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The Beginning Writer
suggested for grades 3rd-6th
The Beginning Writer
suggested for grades 3rd-6th
The Beginning Writer
suggested for grades 3rd-6th
online classes for
writing, literature, & English
online classes for
writing, literature, & English
online classes for
writing, literature, & English
The Lantern English Co.
Thank you for enrolling in one of our classes!
Your submission has been received.
We manually process every enrollment. Therefore, you will receive a confirmation email and invoice from The Lantern English Co. within 24 hours, Monday through Friday.
If it has not been 24 hours, or if you enrolled on the weekend, please do not email to ask why you have not received an invoice.
You will receive it!
If it has been more than 24 hours, Monday through Friday and you have not received a confirmation email or invoice, please email us then so we can make sure things are sorted.
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