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The Beginning Writer
suggested for grades 3rd-6th
The Beginning Writer
suggested for grades 3rd-6th
The Beginning Writer
suggested for grades 3rd-6th
online classes for
writing, literature, & English
online classes for
writing, literature, & English
online classes for
writing, literature, & English
The Lantern English Co.

Serving the homeschool community for 16 years, The Lantern English Co. provides both online classes and digital curriculum to help students succeed in grammar, vocabulary, writing, and literature!
"I don't think my son even realized he was writing an essay. This is his weakest area in his education. We attempt writing every year and it never goes very far, but figured one of these years it would all click. So imagine my surprise when I read his paper and saw that he has started to figure it out. Thank you again for all the help and feedback." - Sue, a parent

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